Gift Aid Declaration Scheme

If you are a taxpayer and you participate in the Gift Aid Declaration Scheme (GAD) it will enable the Church to reclaim tax from His Majesty’s Inland Revenue, from money on which tax has already been paid.

All donations qualify for tax relief. There is no need to say how much you will be giving and there is no commitment for a set length of time. The Church will be better off by about 20p in the £1. Participating in GADScheme will have no effect on your tax position.

Gift Aid Declaration Forms are available from the parish office and once completed, you can then donate to the parish by Offertory Envelopes with your number on or by Bank Standing Order or by Cheque made payable to St Edmund's Parish.

Signing a GAD form is a very easy and painless way of increasing your offertory collection and any donations made to the Church.

Standing Orders
Many people now use this method to make their offerings to the Church. It means that what they give is consistent and is given for those weeks when they are away or cannot get to Mass. If you have not signed a standing order, please consider doing so. Contact the Parish Office for details.